In 2016, the name Nathaniel Kibby was on every news channel as he pleaded guilty to abducting, physically and emotionally torturing, and sexually assaulting 14-year-old Abby Hernandez.

Nathaniel Kibby kidnapped Abby Hernandez on October 9, 2013, in North Conway, New Hampshire while she was walking home from Kennett High School. Nine months later, when Abby Hernandez showed up at her mother’s doorstep, she narrated her ordeal and her kidnapper was sentenced to prison for his hideous crimes.

What is Nathaniel Kibby doing now

Having pleaded guilty to his crimes, Abby Hernandez’s kidnapper Nathaniel Kibby, is currently in prison, after being sentenced to 45 to 90 years, just outside of New Hampshire.

Kibby was indicted on 205 charges that included kidnapping, illegal use of a gun, robbery, sexual assault, criminal threatening, and illegal use of an electronic restraint device. Carroll County House of Corrections held his order on $1 million bail.

During Hernandez’s nine months of captivity, the abductor used zip ties, a dog shock collar, and a stun gun to control her. He even made death threats to the girl, her family, and her pets to frighten her and used a fake surveillance camera to control her.

Kibby would gag Hernandez, put a shirt over her head and face, and put a motorcycle helmet over it when she was zip-tied to a bed. He was also accused of disposing of items that he used to control his victim.

In July 2015, the kidnapper was additionally charged with criminal threatening, improper influence, and obstructing government administration after his Carroll County House of Corrections phone call was recorded. In the call, he was heard making vulgar threats to harm Associate Attorney General Jane Young.

In May 2016, Kibby struck a deal with prosecutors and pleaded guilty to only seven charges that led to a sentence of 45 to 90 years in state prison, along with an agreement to attend a mandatory sexual offender treatment program.

Kibby has a criminal record dating back to 1998, from when he was 18-years-old. During that time, he was found guilty of assault.

Now, after so many years, Hernandez will once again tell her story of hope and survival in a new movie, Girl in the Shed: The Kidnapping of Abby Hernandez. The movie will debut at 8.00 pm on February 26, 2022 on Lifetime. Hernandez is also one of the executive producers of the movie.

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